Palm Coast SDA Church is a multi-cultural church family, and whether you’re just having a look, or are searching for a place to worship it is our desire to help everyone build a truly beautiful relationship with God our Creator, Savior and Lord.
When We Meet
Sabbath School Life Groups — 10:00 am
Sabbath Worship Service — 11:15 am
What to Expect
Sabbath School Life Groups
Time: 10:00 am
This is the time where we study various Bible lessons and topics, encouraging each other to grow and experience God. We have various classes including: multiple children’s classes (by age group), teen and youth classes, an a couple of adult classes.
To learn more about life groups, click here
Worship Service
Time: 11:15 am
Our worship service is both in-person and virtual. You can join us in-person at our campus or you can watch our service through Youtube or Facebook.
During our worship service we learn together through live music and biblical teaching on a topic that is engaging and applicable and hopefully life changing.